Monday, May 11, 2015

How You Detect Light

How You Detect Light

Vision begins when light rays are reflected off an object and enter the eyes through the cornea, the transparent outer covering of the eye. The cornea bends or refracts the rays that pass through a round hole called the pupil. The iris, or colored portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil, opens and closes (making the pupil bigger or smaller) to regulate the amount of light passing through. The light rays then pass through the lens, which actually changes shape so it can further bend the rays and focus them on the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye that contains millions of tiny light-sensing nerve cells called rods and cones, which are named for their distinct shapes. Cones are concentrated in the center of the retina, in an area called the macula. In bright light conditions, cones provide clear, sharp central vision and detect colors and fine details. Rods are located outside the macula and extend all the way to the outer edge of the retina. They provide peripheral or side vision. Rods also allow the eyes to detect motion and help us see in dim light and at night. These cells in the retina convert the light into electrical impulses. The optic nerve sends these impulses to the brain where an image is produced.The cornea is a transparent structure found in the very front of the eye that helps to focus incoming light. Situated behind the pupil is a colorless, transparent structure called the crystalline lens. A clear fluid called the aqueous humor fills the space between the cornea and the iris.Rods work at very low levels of light. We use these for night vision because only a few bits of light (photons) can activate a rod. Rods don't help with color vision, which is why at night, we see everything in a gray scale. The human eye has over 100 million rod cells.

Cones require a lot more light and they are used to see color. We have three types of cones: blue, green, and red. The human eye only has about 6 million cones. Many of these are packed into the fovea, a small pit in the back of the eye that helps with the sharpness or detail of images.
Other animals have different numbers of each cell type. Animals that have to see in the dark have many more rods than humans have.Another benefit to this layout is that the RPE can absorb scattered light. This means that your vision is a lot clearer. Light can also have damaging effects, so this set up also helps protect your rods and cones from unnecessary damage.
While there are many other reasons having the discs close to the RPE is helpful, we will only mention one more. Think about someone who is running a marathon. In order to keep muscles in the body working, the runner needs to eat special nutrients or molecules during the race. Rods and cones are similar, but instead of running, they are constantly sending signals. This requires the movement of lots of molecules, which they need to replenish to keep working. Because the RPE is right next to the discs, they can easily help reload photoreceptor cells and discs with the molecules they need to keep sending signals.   
Now that we know how these photoreceptor cells work, how do we use them to see different colors?
We have three types of cones. If you look at the graph below, you can see each cone is able to detect a range of colors. Even though each cone is most sensitive to a specific color of light (where the line peaks), they also can detect other colors (shown by the stretch of each curve).
Since the three types of cones are commonly labeled by the color at which they are most sensitive (blue, green and red) you might think other colors are not possible. But it is the overlap of the cones and how the brain integrates the signals sent from them that allows us to see millions of colors. For example, the color yellow results from green and red cones being stimulated while the blue cones have no stimulation.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Fifth And Sixth Commandment

The Fifth Commandment: "You Shall Not Kill"
By the fifth commandment we are commanded to take proper care of our own spiritual and bodily well-being and that of our neighbor. The fifth commandment forbids murder and suicide, and also fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, drunkenness, reckless driving, and bad example.

The Sixth Commandent: " Thou shalt not commit adultery"
By the sixth commandment we are commanded to be pure and modest in our behavior. The sixth commandment forbids all impurity and immodesty in words, looks, and actions, whether alone or with others. The chief means of preserving the virtue of chastity are to avoid carefully all unnecessary dangers, to seek God's help through prayer, frequent confession, Holy Communion, and assistance at Holy Mass, and to have a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin.

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Mirrors and lenses

Mirrors And Reflection Light

When you look at reflection in a metal spoon the spoon is like an mirror but not like an mirror in an bathroom. if you look in one side of the spoon your face would be upside down. Because the shape of a mirror affects the way light reflects from it an you can see your self in the bathroom mirrors differs from the image that you see in a spoon. an that mirror are classified by their shape. Their are three shapes of the mirror called plane , concave and convex.
Image result for reflection of a spoon

Plane Mirrors

A plane mirror is a mirror with a flat planar reflective surface. For light rays striking a plane mirror, the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the surface normal an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface.

 Image result for plane mirror gif

Concave Mirror

A concave mirror, or converging mirror, has a reflecting surface that bulges inward away from the incident light. Concave mirrors reflect light inward to one focal point.They are used to focus light.

Image result for concave mirrorImage result for concave mirror ray diagram

Strange Gods Around Us

In our society there are many slogans that had claimed happiness is found in the consumption of a certain product or in an possession of certain things. such as advertisements promise happiness in things and that it can turn into " Strange Gods" if we are not careful at this age.
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Materialism- a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.

Vanity- excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.

Profanity of music- Bad words in music

Obession In Sports- That people get obessed with sports and they put it in the center of their life and that its always winning in their life.

Which "Strange Gods" Do we think as teens struggle with most?

theirs no secret that our age in particular has turned defiance into a virtue and made obedience something to be mocked. This warped and rebellious worldview comes through in every aspect of popular culture. Entertainment, music, and even newscasts glorify revolt and rebellion against every form of authority. Statistics show that the average child living at home in America watches at least twenty-eight hours of television each week. For some kids, the total is much higher. Programming that targets young people is often the very worst at deliberately glamorizing sin. By the time most teenagers graduate from high school, they’ve been overexposed to the grossest kinds of evil through “entertainment” media in mind-numbing ways—so that nothing seems particularly appalling anymore.

Types Of Lnses

Lenses And Refraction Of Light

"How a Lens Refracts Light"
First lets consider a double convex lens. Suppose that several rays of light approach the lens; and suppose that these rays of light are traveling parallel to the principal axis. Upon reaching the front face of the lens, each ray of light will refract towards the normal to the surface. At this boundary, the light ray is passing from air into a more dense medium (usually plastic or glass). Since the light ray is passing from a medium in which it travels fast (less optically dense) into a medium in which it travels relatively slow (more optically dense), it will bend towards the normal line. This is the FST principle of refraction. This is shown for two incident rays on the diagram below. Once the light ray refracts across the boundary and enters the lens, it travels in a straight line until it reaches the back face of the lens. At this boundary, each ray of light will refract away from the normal to the surface. Since the light ray is passing from a medium in which it travels slow and more optically dense) to a medium in which it travels fast less optically dense, it will bend away from the normal line; this is the SFA principle of refraction.

Convex Lenses

Convex lenses are thicker at the middle. Rays of light that pass through the lens are brought closer together they converge. A convex lens is a converging lens. When parallel rays of light pass through a convex lens the refracted rays converge at one point called the principal focus.

Concave Lenses

Concave lenses are thinner at the middle. Rays of light that pass through the lens are spread out they diverge. A convex lens is a diverging lens. When parallel rays of light pass through a concave lens the refracted rays diverge so that they appear to come from one point called the principal focus.


Monday, May 4, 2015

The Third And Fourth Commandment

Third Commandment

" Remember To Keep The Lord's Day"
Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God in it you shall not do any work. 90. The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.

Fourth Commandment

"Honor Your Father And Mother"
 Honoring your father and mother is being respectful in word and action and having an inward attitude of esteem for their position. The Greek word for honor means “to revere, prize, and value.” Honor is giving respect not only for merit but also for rank. For example, some Americans may disagree with the President’s decisions, but they should still respect his position as leader of their country. Similarly, children of all ages should honor their parents, regardless of whether or not their parents “deserve” honor.

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Light And Colors

The Three Ways Light Interacts With Matter-

Its when an light strikes from of matter. and that interacts matter in three types of ways

First, Transparent-  That allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen.

Second, Translucent-  That is allowing light, but not detailed images, to pass through; semitransparent.


Third, Opaque- That Its not able to be seen through transparent.

How the color of an object is determind?

Human can see different wavelenghts of light as different colors for an example can see long wavelenghts as red and short wavelenghts as violet. Also human can see some colors like Pink and Brown are seen when certain combinations of wavelenght are present. also the colors that an object appears to be  the wavelenght from the object.

Color Addition and Color Subtraction?

Color perception, like sound perception, is a complex subject involving the disciplines of psychology, physiology, biology, chemistry and physics. When you look at an object and perceive a distinct color, you are not necessarily seeing a single frequency of light. Consider for instance that you are looking at a shirt and it appears purple to your eye. In such an instance, there may be several frequencies of light striking your eye with varying degrees of intensity. Yet your eye-brain system interprets the frequencies that strike your eye and the shirt is decoded by your brain as being purple.

The previous lesson focused on the principles of color addition. These principles govern the perceived color resulting from the mixing of different colors of light. Principles of color addition have important applications to color television, color computer monitors and on-stage lighting at the theaters. Each of these applications involves the mixing or addition of colors of light to produce a desired appearance. Our understanding of color perception would not be complete without an understanding of the principles of color subtraction. In this part of Lesson 2, we will learn how materials that have been permeated by specific pigments will selectively absorb specific frequencies of light in order to produce a desired appearance.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The 1st and 2nd Commandments

The 1st and 2nd Commandment-
  1. I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.
  2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Compare And Contrast about the 1st and 2nd Commandment-

Its says much more about the commandments but in the if commandment its means that the lord thy god and that they shalt not have strange gods before me. but it means so much to god because he wants us to say it in proud and honor. the second commamndment means that they shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain. like i had said God wants us to say it in proud and honor in different ways to honor his word to him.

Interactions Of Light Waves

Refraction Meaning-
The turning or bending of any wave, such as a light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another of different density. The ability of the eye to bend light so that an image is focused on the retina.

Prism Meaning-
an object that has this shape. A prism of glass or a similar transparent material can be used to bend different wavelengths of light by different amounts through refraction. This bending separates a beam of white light into a spectrum of colored light.

These are pictures about how Interaction waves work.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Law Of Reflection

When a ray of light strikes a plane mirror, the light ray reflects off the mirror. Reflection involves a change in direction of the light ray. The convention used to express the direction of a light ray is to indicate the angle which the light ray makes with a normal line drawn to the surface of the mirror. The angle of incidence is the angle between this normal line and the incident ray; the angle of reflection is the angle between this normal line and the reflected ray. According to the law of reflection, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. These concepts are illustrated in the animation below.

Law Of Reflection

Light is known to behave in a very predictable manner. If a ray of light could be observed approaching and reflecting off of a flat mirror, then the behavior of the light as it reflects would follow a predictable law known as the law of reflection. The diagram below illustrates the law of

In the diagram, the ray of light approaching the mirror is known as the incident ray(labeled I in the diagram). The ray of light that leaves the mirror is known as there flected ray (labeled R in the diagram). At the point of incidence where the ray strikes the mirror, a line can be drawn perpendicular to the surface of the mirror. This line is known as a normal line (labeled N in the diagram). The normal line divides the angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray into two equal angles. The angle between the incident ray and the normal is known as the angle of incidence. The angle between the reflected ray and the normal is known as the angle of reflection. (These two angles are labeled with the Greek letter "theta" accompanied by a subscript; read as "theta-i" for angle of incidence and "theta-r" for angle of reflection.) The law of reflection states that when a ray of light reflects off a surface, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Ten Commandments

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

*Why The Ten Commandments Are Called The Decalogue?

obviously come from the Hebrew Bible, but it is not so obvious to determine exactly what they are or how to count them. These commandments are recorded in two different biblical chapters Exodus 20:1-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21, yet each text is slightly different, and neither passage explicitly numbers the commandments one through ten.

* How The Ten Commandments Guide And Norsish The Spirital Well-being Of A Christian Believes?

The Ten Commandments are an excellent piece of literature of the Old Testament, which was given by God Himself, through Moses, to the people of Israel, and which was destined to shape the morals of the society of the world.
The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, constitute the ethical code by which the human race is guided, on the one hand, to believe in the true God, and, on the other hand to sustain the godly society in the attainment and application of God's will on earth. The Ten Commandments were kept undefiled and handed down to us as a treasure and monument of Christian civilization. The Christian Church has embodied the Ten Commandments as a basic moral code of, discipline toward God and toward men. "There is probably no human document which has exercised a greater influence upon, religion and morals than the Ten Commandments."
Moses is an outstanding personality of the Old Testament; he is known not only for his leadership and statesmanship, but especially as a religious forerunner of Judaism. His destiny was planned by God Himself to lead the people of Israel out of the Egyptian bondage and into the wilderness, a land north of Mt. Sinai and between Egypt and Palestine, their new dwelling place. Moses knew this land well because he had spent 40 years in exile from the Egyptians in this area with a great man, his father-in-law Jethro, who gave counsel to him.

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Electromagnetic Waves

*How Electromagnetic waves are differ from each other?

When you listen to the radio, watch TV, or cook dinner in a microwave oven, you are using electromagnetic waves.

Radio waves, television waves, and microwaves are all types of electromagnetic waves. They differ from each other in wavelength. Wavelength is the distance between one wave crest to the next.

Waves in the electromagnetic spectrum vary in size from very long radio waves the size of buildings, to very short gamma-rays smaller than the size of the nucleus of an atom.

* Some uses for Radio Waves and Micorwaves?

Radio waves are the lowest-energy, lowest-frequency and longest-wavelength electromagnetic waves. They are produced when an alternating current flows in an aerial and they spread out and travel through the atmosphere. They are not strongly absorbed by the atmosphere. Another aerial is used as a detector and the waves produce an alternating current in it, with a frequency that matches that of the radio waves. Anyone with a receiver can tune it to this frequency to pick up the radio waves so they are suitable for broadcasting (for example, radio and TV programmes) to large numbers of people. An advantage is that this method of communicating does not require wires to transmit information. A disadvantage is that radio stations using similar transmission frequencies sometimes interfere.
A common mistake is to think that we can hear radio waves. We cannot hear any electromagnetic radiation. The radiation is used to carry a signal that is converted into a sound wave by the receiver.
Medium wavelength radio waves are reflected from the ionosphere, a layer of charged particles in the upper atmosphere, so they can be used for long distance communication.

* Examples of how infared waves and visible light are important in our life?

Infrared (IR) is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength slightly longer than the color red in the visible light spectrum. Infrared radiation is created when objects are heated at temperatures not quite high enough to make them glow. You can detect infrared radiation by the heating effect it has on your skin. Special sensors are also used to detect IR. This type of radiation is used in electric heaters, greenhouses and night vision sensors

Friday, April 24, 2015

Properties Of Sounds

Sound has a huge impact on our day to day lives. Just think of how much of our technology involves sending or receiving sounds in various forms.
Most people don’t fully understand what sound is.
In this section we will be looking at the basic properties of sound.

Sound is a longitudinal wave.
Remember that longitudinal waves are made up of areas where the wave is compressed together, and other areas where it is expanded.
This would agree with the way that humans themselves make sounds. We force air, sometimes harder, sometimes softer, through our vocal cords.
In the process the air is either squished or allowed to move freely… making the air into a longitudinal wave!

We will look in detail at three fundamental characteristics of sound: speed,frequency, and loudness.

The speed of sound in air actually depends on the temperature of the air.
As a standard, we will say that the speed of sound is 340m/s at 15°C. If you are not told anything different in a question, use this value.
If you did need to calculate the speed of sound at a different temperature, you could use this formula as a rough estimate (you are not required to memorize this formula)…

v = 331.5m/s + 0.6T

v = velocity of sound (m/s)
T = temperature

These are the properties of sounds that it explains so much of it and how it gives more information about sound waves!

How The Church Is Human And Divine

How The Church Is Human And Divine:

The Church always walks the same path as her divine Founder. Like Him she encounters those who accuse her of contradictory crimes and vices. They find her too worldly, and at the same time out of touch with “the real world.” They insist that she stay out of politics and condemn her for supposed silence on issues. In short, the world demands that the Church be human and then complains that she is not divine. Thus in a roundabout way the Church’s critics reveal the paradox of the Church: like our Lord, she is both human and divine.

That the Church is human is all too apparent. Of course, when most people talk about the Church being “human” they are referring to her failures (as if that is all it means to be human). But the human dimension of the Church continues in heaven, where there will be no failures. That the Church is human means primarily that she is built out of the living stones of individual human persons. She exists in the world in a human manner and through human means. She continues the presence of Christ by human words, actions and relationships.

Unfortunately, since our human nature is fallen and wounded, the Church’s human dimension also appears in weakness. This often scandalizes because we hope to find purity and strength in the Church but instead encounter quite the opposite. And yet, as much as we ought to find holiness in the Church, it is in another sense not surprising that we encounter weakness. The crowds in Jerusalem encountered human weakness in our Lord. Not, to be sure, moral weakness. But weakness nonetheless – the weakness of a man betrayed, beaten, scourged, and crucified. The crowds looked and, seeing the man of sorrows, in effect asked, “That? Is that God?” The Church always walks the path of her Founder. So people look upon the Body of Christ and, finding her laboring under human weakness, they ask, “That? Is that the Church of God?” Indeed she is – appearing in human nature and laboring under human weakness, as did her Lord. And just as our reaction to the suffering Lord should be one of pity and not outrage, so also we should respond to His Body, the Church suffering from the scandals of her members.

Our outrage at scandals and weakness in the Church comes from the fact that the Church is more than merely human – and we sense that to be true. She is, as we confess every Sunday, holy. This dimension of the Church is not as clear to us, just as Jesus’ divinity was veiled by His humanity. We call the Church “holy” because she bears God’s own life and grace. She teaches divine truths and administers the Sacraments of salvation. Her very soul is the Spirit of God.
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In a sense, it should not surprise us that the Church suffers and always has suffered scandals. Not only because our Lord promised that it would happen but also because any human institution suffers them. What should surprise us is that the Church has survived her scandals. No other human institution could survive the scandals that the Church has seen. That she can survive them hints at the fact that she is more than merely human. Her weakness that endures testifies to something more than human at work within her. She is human, yes, with all the weakness that comes with that. But at once she is also divine, the Body of Christ.

Comfort with this paradox makes a heart truly Catholic. It enables one to trust in the Church as Christ’s voice and presence in the world – the very oracle of God, as Newman said. It likewise enables him to see scandals in the Church for what they are. He can see the horror of a scandal, and yet not stop trusting the Church. He knows the Church is at once divine…but also in need of reform. A person with such faith is not undone by scandals, because he knows the Church consists of weak human members (like himself). He knows that the Church is a pilgrim, en route to heaven, and always becoming more perfectly what she is.
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum


When you tune your radio, watch TV, send a text message, or pop popcorn in a microwave oven, you are using electromagnetic energy. You depend on this energy every hour of every day. Without it, the world you know could not exist.

Electromagnetic energy travels in waves and spans a broad spectrum from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays. The human eye can only detect only a small portion of this spectrum called visible light. A radio detects a different portion of the spectrum, and an x-ray machine uses yet another portion. NASA's scientific instruments use the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum to study the Earth, the solar system, and the universe beyond.


Our Sun is a source of energy across the full spectrum, and its electromagnetic radiation bombards our atmosphere constantly. However, the Earth's atmosphere protects us from exposure to a range of higher energy waves that can be harmful to life. Gamma rays, x-rays, and some ultraviolet waves are "ionizing," meaning these waves have such a high energy that they can knock electrons out of atoms. Exposure to these high-energy waves can alter atoms and molecules and cause damage to cells in organic matter. These changes to cells can sometimes be helpful, as when radiation is used to kill cancer cells, and other times not, as when we get sunburned.


NASA spacecraft, such as,provide scientists with a unique vantage point, helping them "see" at higher-energy wavelengths that are blocked by the Earth's protective atmosphere.

Electromagnetic radiation is reflected or absorbed mainly by several gases in the Earth's atmosphere, among the most important being water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone. Some radiation, such as visible light, largely passes is transmitted through the atmosphere. These regions of the spectrum with wavelengths that can pass through the atmosphere are referred to as "atmospheric windows." Some microwaves can even pass through clouds, which make them the best wavelength for transmitting satellite communication signals.

While our atmosphere is essential to protecting life on Earth and keeping the planet habitable, it is not very helpful when it comes to studying sources of high-energy radiation in space. Instruments have to be positioned above Earth's energy-absorbing atmosphere to "see" higher energy and even some lower energy light sources such as quasars. an thats all about the electromagnetic spectrum.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Vatican II's Dei Verburn

What Vatican II's Dei Verburn:

Hearing the word of God with reverence and proclaiming it with faith, the sacred synod takes its direction from these words of St. John: "We announce to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and was made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to you, so that you may have fellowship with us and our common fellowship be with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ". Therefore, following in the footsteps of the Council of Trent and of the First Vatican Council, this present council wishes to set forth authentic doctrine on divine revelation and how it is handed on, so that by hearing the message of salvation the whole world may believe, by believing it may hope, and by hoping it may love.

 In His goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal Himself and to make known to us the hidden purpose of His will by which through Christ, the Word made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father and come to share in the divine nature. Through this revelation, therefore, the invisible God out of the abundance of His love speaks to men as friends and lives among them so that He may invite and take them into fellowship with Himself. This plan of revelation is realized by deeds and words having an inner unity: the deeds wrought by God in the history of salvation manifest and confirm the teaching and realities signified by the words, while the words proclaim the deeds and clarify the mystery contained in them. By this revelation then, the deepest truth about God and the salvation of man shines out for our sake in Christ, who is both the mediator and the fullness of all revelation.

 God, who through the Word creates all things and keeps them in existence, gives men an enduring witness to Himself in created realities. Planning to make known the way of heavenly salvation, He went further and from the start manifested Himself to our first parents. Then after their fall His promise of redemption aroused in them the hope of being saved and from that time on He ceaselessly kept the human race in His care, to give eternal life to those who perseveringly do good in search of salvation . Then, at the time He had appointed He called Abraham in order to make of him a great nation . Through the patriarchs, and after them through Moses and the prophets, He taught this people to acknowledge Himself the one living and true God, provident father and just judge, and to wait for the Savior promised by Him, and in this manner prepared the way for the Gospel down through the centuries.

 Then, after speaking in many and varied ways through the prophets, "now at last in these days God has spoken to us in His Son. For He sent His Son, the eternal Word, who enlightens all men, so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God. Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as "a man to men."  He "speaks the words of God" , and completes the work of salvation which His Father gave Him to do. To see Jesus is to see His Father. For this reason Jesus perfected revelation by fulfilling it through his whole work of making Himself present and manifesting Himself: through His words and deeds, His signs and wonders, but especially through His death and glorious resurrection from the dead and final sending of the Spirit of truth. Moreover He confirmed with divine testimony what revelation proclaimed, that God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to life eternal.

The Christian dispensation, therefore, as the new and definitive covenant, will never pass away and we now await no further new public revelation before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 "The obedience of faith "is to be given to God who reveals, an obedience by which man commits his whole self freely to God, offering the full submission of intellect and will to God who reveals,"  and freely assenting to the truth revealed by Him. To make this act of faith, the grace of God and the interior help of the Holy Spirit must precede and assist, moving the heart and turnng it to God, opening the eyes of the mind and giving "joy and ease to everyone in assenting to the truth and believing it."  To bring about an ever deeper understanding of revelation the same Holy Spirit constantly brings faith to completion by His gifts.

 Through divine revelation, God chose to show forth and communicate Himself and the eternal decisions of His will regarding the salvation of men. That is to say, He chose to share with them those divine treasures which totally transcend the understanding of the human mind.

As a sacred synod has affirmed, God, the beginning and end of all things, can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human reason  but teaches that it is through His revelation that those religious truths which are by their nature accessible to human reason can be known by all men with ease, with solid certitude and with no trace of error, even in this present state of the human race.
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How We Can Carry The Works Of Chirst

Image result for tumblr quotes jesusHow my family carry the works of chirst: Is with my family we pray before we eat to give thanks to the lord what he had give us to eat. most of the time we pray for those who are sick or injured in our family. we pray to help that person or family get more stronger with our blessing. some people like our blessings to them because it makes them feel good that the lord is watching over them!

How my friends carry the works of chirst: my friends carry the lord with them everyday because we pray to the lord every day in school some people even pray out of the school for people that really need help with such stuff like praying for their sick family member, or even for them if they are injured or like i said need help with anything. My teachers all ways tells us to pray for whom is in need of help or injured because it may save their lives or help them walk or heal. everyone has faith no matter what!
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Electric And Magnetic Field

Magnetic Field

Magnetic fields are different from electric fields. Although both types of fields are interconnected, they do different things. The idea of magnetic field lines and magnetic fields was first examined by Michael Faraday and later by James Clerk Maxwell. Both of these English scientists made great discoveries in the field of electromagnetism.

Magnetic fields are areas where an object exhibits a magnetic influence. The fields affect neighboring objects along things called magnetic field lines. A magnetic object can attract or push away another magnetic object. You also need to remember that magnetic forces are NOT related to gravity. The amount of gravity is based on an object's mass, while magnetic strength is based on the material that the object is made of.

If you place an object in a magnetic field, it will be affected, and the effect will happen along field lines. Many classroom experiments watch small pieces of iron line up around magnets along the field lines. Magnetic poles are the points where the magnetic field lines begin and end. Field lines converge or come together at the poles. You have probably heard of the poles of the Earth. Those poles are places where our planets field lines come together. We call those poles north and south because that's where they're located on Earth. All magnetic objects have field lines and poles. It can be as small as an atom or as large as a star.

Attracted and Repulsed

You know about charged particles. There are positive and negative charges. You also know that positive charges are attracted to negative charges. A French scientist named Andre-Marie Ampere studied the relationship between electricity and magnetism. He discovered that magnetic fields are produced by moving charges (current). And moving charges are affected by magnets. Stationary charges, on the other hand, do not produce magnetic fields, and are not affected by magnets. Two wires, with current flowing, when placed next to each other, may attract or repel like two magnets. It all has to do with moving charges.

Earth's Magnetic Field

Magnets are simple examples of natural magnetic fields. But guess what? The Earth has a huge magnetic field. Because the core of our planet is filled with molten iron (Fe), there is a large field that protects the Earth from space radiation and particles such as the solar wind. When you look at tiny magnets, they are working in a similar way. The magnet has a field around it.

As noted earlier, current in wires produces a magnetic effect. You can increase the strength of that magnetic field by increasing the current through the wire. We can use this principle to make artificial, adjustable magnets called electromagnets, by making coils of wire, and then passing current through the coils.