Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Strange Gods Around Us

In our society there are many slogans that had claimed happiness is found in the consumption of a certain product or in an possession of certain things. such as advertisements promise happiness in things and that it can turn into " Strange Gods" if we are not careful at this age.
Image result for god quotes tumblr
Materialism- a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.

Vanity- excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.

Profanity of music- Bad words in music

Obession In Sports- That people get obessed with sports and they put it in the center of their life and that its always winning in their life.

Which "Strange Gods" Do we think as teens struggle with most?

theirs no secret that our age in particular has turned defiance into a virtue and made obedience something to be mocked. This warped and rebellious worldview comes through in every aspect of popular culture. Entertainment, music, and even newscasts glorify revolt and rebellion against every form of authority. Statistics show that the average child living at home in America watches at least twenty-eight hours of television each week. For some kids, the total is much higher. Programming that targets young people is often the very worst at deliberately glamorizing sin. By the time most teenagers graduate from high school, they’ve been overexposed to the grossest kinds of evil through “entertainment” media in mind-numbing ways—so that nothing seems particularly appalling anymore.

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